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In EveryAnswer, there are usage limits on storage and conversations for each Expert based on its subscribed plan. When these limits are exceeded, overages occur. This documentation will help you understand how overages work, how they are calculated, and how to manage them effectively.

Types of Usage


A conversation consists of multiple messages exchanged with an Expert. If you continue an existing conversation, it does not count as a new one. Conversations are a measure of engagement; the more conversations, the more the Expert is being utilized.


Storage refers to the volume of data stored within an Expert, forming its knowledge base. Storage usage is measured in characters.

Subscriptions with Overages (Paid Plans)

Conversation Overages

If the number of conversations exceeds the limit set by the Expert's subscribed plan, overage charges will apply. These charges are calculated precisely per conversation.

Storage Overages

If the storage usage exceeds the plan's limit, overage charges will apply based on the number of characters, rounded up to the nearest million.

Overage Charges

Overages are calculated and charged at the end of each billing cycle (month). Invoices are typically generated and charged to the subscription's payment method on the first of the month. Overage charges are included in the invoice for the subsequent month.

If an Expert's subscription has been cancelled, a separate invoice for overages will be created and charged to the payment method at the end of the month.

For the current overage prices, refer to the EveryAnswer Pricing Page.

Subscriptions Without Overages

Experts on the Starter (Free) plan or under a free trial do not permit overages.

Conversation Limit Overage

When the conversation limit is reached for an Expert, future conversations are not allowed. A notice will be displayed in the chat UI: "Oops! Conversation Limit Reached. It looks like we've reached the maximum number of chat conversations allowed for the current plan. Please check back later or reach out to us through another method for further assistance. Thank you for your understanding!"

Conversation usage resets at the start of the next billing cycle (month). If the plan is upgraded, the Expert will immediately resume function.

Storage Limit Overage

The UI will prevent file uploads if they would exceed the storage limit.

Managing Overages

To manage overages effectively, regularly check your usage statistics. If you find that you are consistently exceeding the limits, consider upgrading your plan. This will help you avoid overages and ensure uninterrupted service.

Related Documentation

Frequently Asked Questions

What occurs if the monthly conversation limit is surpassed?
If the conversation limit of your plan is exceeded, you will be charged for each additional conversation. These will be billed in the following month's billing cycle.
What happens if there are overages during the month of deletion?
If overages occur during the month in which you delete an Expert in EveryAnswer, you will still be responsible for paying for those overages. Even though deleting an Expert cancels its subscription immediately, any usage that exceeded your plan's limits prior to deletion will be billed. Specifically, these overage charges will appear on your bill on the 1st of the following month. We recommend you review your usage statistics before deletion to anticipate any additional costs that might appear on your final bill for the deleted Expert.
What are overages in EveryAnswer?
Overages in EveryAnswer occur when an Expert's usage surpasses the limits of its subscribed plan. There are two types: conversation overages and storage overages. Conversation overages happen when the number of unique interactions with an Expert exceeds the plan's limit. These are charged per conversation beyond the limit. Storage overages occur when the data stored in an Expert's knowledge base exceeds the plan's limit. These are charged per 1 million characters, rounded up.
What types of usage are monitored by EveryAnswer?
EveryAnswer monitors two primary types of usage: conversations and storage. Conversations are tracked by the number of unique interactions with an Expert. Each conversation consists of multiple messages, and continuing an existing conversation does not increase the count. This metric indicates the level of engagement with an Expert. Storage refers to the volume of data stored within an Expert's knowledge base, measured in characters. This data forms the foundation of the Expert's responses and capabilities.
Do continuing messages in an existing conversation count as new conversations?
No, continuing messages in an existing conversation do not count as new conversations. Once a conversation is initiated, any subsequent messages within that conversation are considered part of the same interaction. Only new, unique interactions are counted as separate conversations.
How is storage usage measured in EveryAnswer?
Storage usage in EveryAnswer is measured by the volume of data stored within an Expert's knowledge base. This data is tracked in characters, meaning every character in the stored files contributes to the total storage usage. This metric helps manage and allocate resources effectively based on the Expert's plan.
How are conversation overages calculated for paid plans?
For paid plans, conversation overages are calculated based on the number of unique interactions with an Expert that exceed the plan's limit. Each conversation beyond the allowed limit is charged individually. These overages are calculated at the end of each billing cycle and included in the invoice for the subsequent month.
How are storage overages calculated for paid plans?
For paid plans, storage overages are calculated based on the amount of data stored within an Expert's knowledge base that exceeds the plan's limit. Overages are charged per 1 million characters, rounded up to the nearest million. These charges are calculated at the end of each billing cycle and included in the invoice for the subsequent month.
Do Starter (Free) plan or free trial plans allow overages?
No, the Starter (Free) plan and free trial plans do not allow overages. When the conversation or storage limits are reached for these plans, additional conversations or file uploads are not permitted. For conversations, a notice will be displayed in the chat UI indicating that the conversation limit has been reached. Usage limits reset at the beginning of the next billing cycle, or functionality can be immediately resumed by upgrading the plan.
Can you upload new files if the storage limit is exceeded on free plans or trials?
No, you cannot upload new files if the storage limit is exceeded on free plans or trials. The user interface will prevent the upload of any files that would exceed the storage limit. To continue uploading files, you would need to either wait for the storage limit to reset at the beginning of the next billing cycle or upgrade to a higher plan.
How often are overages calculated and invoiced?
Overages are calculated and invoiced at the end of each billing cycle, which occurs monthly. The charges for overages are included in the invoice for the subsequent month. If an Expert's subscription has been cancelled, a separate invoice for any overages will be created and charged at the end of the month.
Where can I find the current overage prices for EveryAnswer?
The current overage prices for EveryAnswer can be found on the EveryAnswer Pricing Page. This page provides detailed information about the costs associated with exceeding the usage limits of your plan, including both conversation and storage overages.
What notice is displayed when the conversation limit is reached?
The notice displayed in the chat interface reads: 'Oops! Conversation Limit Reached. It looks like we've reached the maximum number of chat conversations allowed for the current plan. Please check back later or reach out to us through another method for further assistance. Thank you for your understanding!'
How can you manage overages in EveryAnswer?
To effectively manage overages, regularly check usage statistics to stay within plan limits and consider upgrading your plan if you consistently exceed usage limits, preventing overages and ensuring seamless operation.
How does EveryAnswer ensure uninterrupted service for paid plans?
EveryAnswer ensures uninterrupted service for paid plans by allowing Experts to exceed their usage limits. When usage exceeds the plan's limits, overages are incurred rather than service interruptions. These overages are calculated and charged at the end of the billing cycle, ensuring that users can continue to interact with Experts without disruption.
What should I do if you consistently exceed your plan's limits?
If you consistently exceed your plan's limits on EveryAnswer, it is advisable to regularly check your usage statistics and consider upgrading to a higher plan. Upgrading your plan will provide more generous usage limits and help prevent overages, ensuring uninterrupted service and better resource management for your Experts.
Does each Expert plan have its own usage?
Yes, each Expert in EveryAnswer has its own unique subscription and usage plan. This means that each Expert operates under its specific set of usage limits, and overages are calculated individually based on each Expert's plan. Clients can manage multiple Experts, each with its own subscription and usage metrics.
Can I share usage limits between Experts?
No, you cannot share usage limits between Experts in EveryAnswer. Each Expert has its own unique subscription and usage plan, with separate usage limits and overage calculations. This allows for specific management and resource allocation tailored to each Expert's needs.
Can I dispute an overage charge if I believe it is incorrect?
No, overage charges are based on actual usage as tracked by EveryAnswer's systems and cannot be disputed. The metrics used to calculate overages are clearly labeled in the UI, allowing you to monitor your usage in real-time. It is important to regularly check your usage statistics and understand the limits of your plan to avoid unexpected charges. If you frequently encounter overages, consider upgrading your plan to better accommodate your usage needs.
How will I be notified if my Expert is approaching or has exceeded its usage limits?
If your Expert is approaching or has exceeded its usage limits, EveryAnswer will notify you via email. Email alerts will be sent to all Workspace Admins and Expert Admins of the affected Expert, informing them of the current usage status, any impending overages, and resulting charges if you are on a paid plan. Keeping an eye on these email notifications can help you manage your usage more effectively and take timely action to avoid overages.
What is indicated by a high number of conversations?
A high number of conversations indicates a high level of engagement with an Expert on EveryAnswer. This means that users are actively interacting with the Expert, which is a positive sign that the Expert is providing valuable assistance and users are finding it useful. More conversations generally reflect higher user satisfaction and effectiveness of the Expert in addressing user queries.
Last Updated:
August 29, 2024